Five factors causing food insecurity among college students

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College students are more likely than the average American to experience food insecurity. A literature review from THEC and TSAC identifies some solutions to food insecurity in higher education.

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Food insecurity continues to impact students’ ability to succeed academically, creating a challenge for college and university leaders in determining how to best support students.

A report by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission and the Tennessee Student Aid Foundation, published in November, identified prior research on the causes of food insecurity among college students and various interventions that could benefit those affected.

What is the need: High education costs — including tuition, fees, books, and supplies — can affect a student’s ability to pay for other basic expenses, including groceries.

Food insecurity and student success

A May report from Trellis Research found that 48 percent of students who faced financial challenges while enrolled said they had difficulty focusing on academics because of their finances.

Students experiencing food insecurity are less likely than their peers to excel academically and more likely to report feeling high levels of stress, according to the THEC report. Low-income, minority, first-generation, and non-traditional students are more likely to be affected by food insecurity and find barriers to access.

Food insecurity can impact students’ mental and physical health, with food insecure students less likely to get adequate sleep and more likely to report anxiety and emotional distress.

Students experience food insecurity at higher rates than the general population, with students estimated to be 33 to 51 percent food insecure and all U.S. adults 9.8 percent.

Those in college have higher risk factors for food insecurity. Included:

  • Lack of resources. Many college enrollees are also less likely to take advantage of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Eligibility requirements for students changed in 2020, increasing opportunities for college students, but many are still unfamiliar with the process of applying for and using benefits. Certain institutional factors can also create a greater risk of students not being able to access food. High prices for healthy food options at on-campus facilities can also make resources inaccessible to some learners. Even students with meal plans can struggle with food insecurity, with some students running out of meals before the end of the month.
  • Social stigma. Feelings of shame or self-doubt can also lead students to hide their insecurities and basic needs, even from those who could help them or connect them to resources.
  • Busy schedules. One study found a positive relationship between higher food insecurity and the number of hours a student works during the week. Students who work evening shifts are also less able to access on-campus dining services during regular business hours. Caring students also have competing priorities, with complex constraints on their schedules. All of these students may choose less nutritious or inadequate meals.
  • communications. The geographic location of the institution, such as if the college were in a food desert (an urban location in which at least 33 percent of the population lives more than one mile from a place that sells nutritious food), can create challenges in finding meal options. A lack of transportation can exacerbate this.
  • Cooking skills. Students who have less cooking experience or lack cooking facilities may be more vulnerable to food insecurity, as multiple studies have found that students’ reported cooking skills were associated with food security status.

When students experience food insecurity, they may eat less, eat lower-quality food (cheap or processed foods), give up other basic needs (such as delaying rent payments), or rely on family for financial support.

Some students use institutional supports, such as food pantries or meal donation programs, or receive SNAP benefits. However, this support can have barriers to participation that reduce its overall potential impact.

Practices to address food insecurity

The report found eight solutions or practices implemented by higher education leaders and practitioners to help students experiencing food insecurity.

  1. Food stores. Among the most common initiatives led by colleges and universities, the free food pantry provides fixed (and sometimes fresh) items to community members. Privacy and discretion are critical elements of a food pantry, and organizations should collect data on awareness of the pantry, its use, and perceived barriers to using the pantry.
  2. Donation/transfer programs through meals. The meal pass program allows students to donate unused on-campus meals to peers in need, who apply and receive them after meeting program eligibility. Swipe Out Hunger is a national organization with hundreds of partner organizations leading this effort, although there are smaller efforts on college campuses. These programs provide immediate but temporary relief.
  3. Food recovery programs. The Food Recovery Program collects leftover food from potlucks or other campus events, with national organizations supporting these efforts, most notably the Food Recovery Network, which includes student-led chapters.
  4. Community and shared gardens. Community gardens are often offered in conjunction with a food pantry, and provide students with fresh fruits and vegetables raised on campus, often by students, giving them hands-on experience with food harvesting as well. A community garden requires committed support to be sustainable, including dedicated staff.
  5. Cooking and meal preparation demonstrations. A lack of cooking skills or nutritional knowledge can affect students’ ability to consume healthy food. Cooking demonstrations or classes can teach basic skills, budgeting, and how to improve nutrition.
  6. Financial culture programming. A 2018 study found that, of five types of support, students chose “learning how to budget” as the third most popular support. Institutions can offer supplemental or credit-eligible courses on financial literacy, cooking, and nutrition, or a workshop on the same topics.
  7. Connecting students to resources and benefits. Students should be aware of services outside the institution, including state and federal assistance programs, that can reduce basic needs insecurity. Single Stop is a national organization that partners with community colleges to connect students with staff and address needs.
  8. financial aid. Emergency Needs and Achievement Grants can help ease the financial burden on students, meet immediate or long-term needs, and benefit their academic success.

Do you have a healthy tip that might help others encourage student success? Tell us about it.

Food insecurity among college students is a growing issue that has detrimental effects on their overall well-being and academic success. There are five main factors that contribute to this problem, including high tuition costs, expensive living expenses, limited job opportunities, lack of financial assistance, and insufficient support systems. Understanding these factors is crucial in addressing the issue and finding effective solutions to ensure that all college students have access to adequate and nutritious food.

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