Explanation of the vote on a draft resolution drafted by the United Arab Emirates in the UN Security Council regarding the situation in the Middle East

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Ambassador Robert Wood
Alternate representative for special political affairs
New York, New York
December 8, 2023

As delivered

Thank you, Mr. President.

Colleagues, Despite the rushed process and lack of proper consultation on the part of the drafters, the United States participated in good faith in this text. We have proposed language aimed at reaching a constructive solution that will advance the life-saving diplomacy we have undertaken since October 7; Increasing access for humanitarian aid into Gaza; He encouraged the release of hostages and the resumption of the humanitarian truce; Laying the foundation for lasting peace.

Unfortunately, almost all of our recommendations were ignored. The result of this hasty process was an unbalanced and divorced decision that will not move the compass forward, on the ground, in any tangible way. Therefore, unfortunately we were unable to support it.

We still cannot understand why the drafters of the resolution refused to include language condemning the horrific terrorist attack launched by Hamas on Israel on October 7. This attack killed more than 1,200 people. Women, children and the elderly. People of different nationalities. They were burned alive. Shot dead. Vulnerable to obscene sexual violence.

We are very disappointed that the drafters of the resolution did not offer their condolences or condemn the killers of the victims of these heinous acts. It’s unfathomable. There is also no condemnation of the sexual violence unleashed by Hamas on October 7.

Over the past 20 years, this Council has repeatedly emphasized the need to take all reports of conflict-related sexual violence seriously.

Despite this, this Council and many of its members remained conspicuously silent in response to reports that Hamas committed sexual and gender-based violence on October 7. These incidents must be investigated and condemned, just as we do in any other conflict.

Equally disappointing is that the authors refused to add language reaffirming that the International Committee of the Red Cross must be allowed access to and provide medical treatment for hostages still held by Hamas terrorists and other extremists.

The resolution also failed to encourage the resumption of the humanitarian truce, to allow the release of hostages and increase aid. This formula has worked. It could resume very quickly if Hamas agrees to release the women and civilian hostages.

This text also fails to recognize Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorism, in accordance with international law. This is a right that all countries are entitled to.

As I mentioned earlier today, no country should tolerate what Hamas did on October 7. If any of our countries were attacked in this way, we would all expect this Council to affirm our right to protect our citizens.

Perhaps most unrealistic is that this resolution maintains the call for an unconditional ceasefire. I made clear in my remarks this morning why this is not only unrealistic but dangerous: it would simply leave Hamas in place, able to regroup and repeat what it did on October 7.

Colleagues, a senior Hamas official recently stated that the movement intends to repeat the despicable acts committed on October 7 “over and over again.” However, this resolution essentially says that Israel must tolerate this. It must allow this terrorism to go unchecked.

This is untenable. It’s not realistic. It is a recipe for disaster for Israel, for the Palestinians, and for the entire region.

As long as Hamas adheres to the ideology of destruction, any ceasefire will be at best temporary, and is certainly not peace. Any ceasefire that allows Hamas to control Gaza would deprive Palestinian civilians of the opportunity to build something better for themselves.

For this reason, although the United States strongly supports a lasting peace in which Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace and security, we do not support this resolution’s call for an unsustainable ceasefire that will only sow the seeds of the next war.

My colleagues, like you, I am deeply saddened by the images emerging outside Gaza and the killing of several thousand civilians, including children. Every innocent Palestinian life lost is a tragedy that tears apart families and communities.

It goes without saying that the United States supports the renewal of the humanitarian pause, to enable the release and provision of additional aid, even as we seek to end this war not just for one day or one week, but forever.

Let us be clear: It is the decision-maker’s rejection of the United States’ reasonable – even fundamental – proposals that has deprived this Council of the opportunity to support the serious work needed to break the cycle of violence and lay the foundation for a more peaceful and secure future.

The United States will continue the hard diplomatic work. To free the hostages. To increase the protection of civilians. To expand humanitarian aid. And create an opportunity for Palestinians and Israelis to live side by side in peace and security.

Also, we need to redouble our collective efforts to increase humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people and create conditions that enable humanitarian assistance to reach the people who need it, who are most in need of food, water and shelter. We work to achieve this every day, with Israel, Egypt, the United Nations and others.

As President Biden reiterated last week: “The two-state solution is the only way to ensure long-term security for both the Israeli and Palestinian people.”

We will continue to work toward this goal because, as Secretary Blinken said, “this is the only way to ensure the lasting security of Jewish and democratic Israel, and the only way to ensure that the Palestinians achieve their legitimate aspirations for a state of their own.” “.

Thank you, Mr. President.


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