Development news: Gemini AI for Android, Deno WebGPU, Vite, and Rust

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Gemini is Google’s new multimedia AI platform. It was released just a week ago, but Google is already offering support for Android developers who want to leverage AI in apps. The tech giant announced on Wednesday that Gemini Pro can be accessed via the Gemini API. Developers can use the Google AI SDK, a client for Android, to integrate with Gemini Pro.

The company also pointed to Google AI Studio, which is in Early Access right now, as “a streamlined way for developers to integrate Gemini Pro form, craft prompts, API keyboxes, and turn ideas into AI applications.” It allows developers to create a claim in Google AI Studio and generate a Kotlin code integration snippet by clicking on the “Get Code” action. There’s also a free introductory course on Google AI Studio.

Finally, developers can use the Gemini API directly in the current Android Studio build for Canary release. There’s also a new project template that allows developers to get started with the Google AI SDK for Android.

Alternatively, developers can import the AI ​​generative code model and set it up in Android Studio. To do this, it guides developers to choose File > New > Import sample, and search for “generative AI model”.

Deno returns to the final WebGPU API

Deno 1.39 brings back the WebGPU API, which is useful for rendering, gaming, and a variety of other applications, such as machine learning algorithms expressed in a series of array operations, the team wrote on Thursday.

The WebGPU API provides developers “a low-level, high-performance, multi-architecture way to program GPU hardware from JavaScript,” according to the Deno team. The JavaScript runtime first introduced the API in early 2021. Earlier this year, it was removed due to performance issues.

The Deno team noted that the specifications have been finalized and Chrome has already shipped the API. Firefox and Safari also support it.

“Our WebGPU app is based on the same platform as the upcoming WebGPU app in Firefox, so we’re confident it’s a solid foundation for developers to build on,” the team said.

Vite 5 includes a rust-based parser

Vite 5 was released last month, and with it came Rollup 4, a major release that introduces a Rust-based parser. Creator Evan You explained the importance of this news in a recently released video of his VueConf Toronto presentation.

Vite is a front-end development tool that is an “easy” alternative to traditional web building tools like Webpack. It is used as a development server for Angular and as a virtualization tool for React and Redwood. It’s also runtime supported, as Bun and Remix recently released an unstable plugin for Vite. Vite has reached nearly 8 million NPM downloads weekly, according to you.

Rollup is a JavaScript wrapper that assembles small pieces of code into something larger and more complex, such as a library or application. It uses the standard format for code modules from the JavaScript ES6 revision, instead of CommonJS. You said that Rollup’s Rust-based parser would improve Rollup’s production build performance by a “decent” amount. He also discussed Vue at that event.

Additionally, the Vite team has deprecated Vite’s popular Javascript API itself, as I said. He added that most of the downstream dependencies already use the ESMAScript (ESM) API.

“This is just part of the overall effort that Viet is making,” he said. “As this newest building tool, we have the opportunity to help push the ecosystem into the realm of ESM and get us out of this mess caused by combined JS and ESM as soon as possible.”

I said they also have a better defined alternative method with the Vite 5.

“Previously, globally defined variable replacement in Vite was implemented a little differently between development and production, and the production build replacement strategy is also a kind of brute force because it uses regular expression substitutions,” he explained. “In this release, we now use the ES Build-based strategy to perform replacements, which should result in more robust and more efficient replacements overall.”

The Vite 5 has also dropped support for ELL versions of Node.js, meaning it will no longer support Node 16, 17, and 19. The current LTS node version, 18, will be the supported foundation for Vite 5, he said.

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In the ever-evolving world of technology, the latest development news brings exciting updates on the Gemini AI for Android, Deno WebGPU, Vite, and Rust. These advancements promise to enhance user experiences and streamline programming processes. From artificial intelligence to web graphics processing and programming languages, the latest developments are sure to make waves in the tech industry. Let’s delve deeper into each of these updates and explore how they are set to revolutionize the way we interact with technology.

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